The editor of these archived articles is the great-grandson of Bengt Johnson, the founder of the Swedish Evangelical Mission church in Cambridge, Massachusetts. This is the church which in 1965 moved to Lexington, Massachusetts, and affiliated with the Evangelical Covenant Church of Chicago, Illinois. The Lexington church is known as Trinity Covenant Church.
Articles chosen for this archive relate to the Swedish Evangelical Mission church in Cambridge, to the Swedish immigrants of Cambridge, to the Johnson and Anderson families of Cambridge, Massachusetts, and to the roots in Sweden of the Swedish Mission Friends which ultimately became the Evangelical Covenant Church in the United States and Canada.
I am proud to be the fourth consecutive generation in my family to be a member of what is now known as the Evangelical Covenant Church
- Rolf Fredrik Anderson.
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Svenska Missionsförbundet SWEDISH MISSION FRIENDS Covenant Foundations
From 1874 to 1876 these meetings grew into local, regional, and provincial mission societies. Both ordained pastors and licensed lay preachers led these societies. The piety and convictions of these leaders were warmly expressed by the spiritual songs they wrote and sang, their passion for mission at home and abroad, and their deep commitment to personal, relational experiences. Religious revivals swept over Sweden in 1876 and 1877. Greatest enthusiasm for the revivals was in Värmland and Småland provinces and especially in the municipality of Jönköping. These revivals appealed strongly to rural people and others of the lower middle class who felt ignored by the Swedish Lutheran Church. The Church of Sweden increasingly perceived the followers of Rosenius as radicals. By the mid 1870s, two convictions held by the Mission Friends defined them outside historic Lutheranism: (1) the believers' church is closest to the New Testament and (2) the Bible is the only authority. In response to negative pressure from the leaders of the Svenska Kyrkan (Swedish Church) towards this evangelical congregational movement, the Svenska Missionsförbundet (Swedish Mission Friends) was formed on August 2, 1878 in Stockholm at a free-church meeting of delegates from mission societies throughout Sweden. Peter Paul Waldenström, born in 1838 in Luleå, Norrland, became the leader of the Swedish Mission Covenant although he did not attend the organizational meeting in Stockholm in 1878. Waldenström was aware of the political friction within the church and was careful to appear to be friendly to the established church. In fact his sermons differed little from those given in the Swedish Lutheran Church. # # #
Cambridge Chronicle
To the Christian People of Cambridge: It is perhaps not as generally known as it should be, that there are several thousand Swedes in this city, and that they are without a church edifice to worship God In. Why this is so, is not because they are not a God-fearing and a church going people, but that they are poor and in need of aid for this cause. Therefore, the Swedish Evangelical Mission church (Congregational) submits this plan to the Christian people of this place. This church was organized with 24 members April 28, 1897, and Incorporated June 8th, 1899. The present membership is 106, and the Sunday school has over one hundred members. There are 25 families belonging to the church, of which only five own their houses. The place of worship is at the East End Christian union chapel. No. 7 Burleigh street. As this chapel is inconveniently located and too small, occasionally, steps have been taken toward erecting a church building. A lot has been secured on the corner of Hampshire and Norfolk streets for $2,400, of which sum $I,200 has been paid. When sufficient means have been raised a brick house will be erected with a seating capacity of 6OO. All members and friends of the church are willing to contribute to the extent of their ability, but as this Is inadequate, it is hoped that the American Christians irrespective of denominational affiliations will liberally subscribe for a Swedish church edifice. We expect to raise among ourselves $5,000, and plan to spend not more than $15,000 in all. The Rev. C. W. Holm, a man of energy and consecration, has been pastor of the church since March 1, 1897, and under his care the work has continually prospered. It is hoped that the benevolently disposed citizens upon whom he may call will manifest their substantial interest in this cause. Carl W. Holm, J. L. Landahl. Gustav Wilson, Emil Fredrlckson, ~ ~ ~ Such men as the following manifest their deep interest in the welfare of this church by endorsing the above. The Swedes in Cambridge, under the wise leadership of Rev. C. W. Holm, have carried on their church without aid from the Massachusetts Home Missionary society, but they need and I think ought to have aid In their present effort to secure a church home. I have known Bro. Holm for years, and have great confidence in him. Joshua Coll, Sec. I cordially endorse this appeal. It seems to be a necessity that there should be services In the Swedish language, otherwise many of these intelligent and industrious Swedes will have no service which they can understand. Dr. Coll's testimony deserves all confidence. Alexander McKenzie. It has been my pleasure to preach to the Swedish Evangelical church In Cambridge. It was their usual Sunday evening congregation and the hall was full. Everything bore witness to the earnest, faithful work being done. I have known of Bro. C. W. Holm's work in Fltchburg, Mass., and he and his people in every way deserve the support of the Christians in Cambridge. F. E. Emrlch, Pastor I have known Pastor C. W. Holm for about three years, as an earnest, consecrated worker, and, through his energy and zeal, the Swedish people of our city have been led to organize a church of the Congregational denomination. The outlook for its future is bright, as there are several thousand Swedes in Cambridge. Their present need is a house of worship for which they are willing to sacrifice and for which they justly ask our aid. Surely our contributions to this work will be well placed. Rev. C. M. Carpenter. I have been personally acquainted with the Rev. C. W. Holm, pastor of the Swedish Congregational society, for several years that they have worshipped in the hall of the East End Christian union. Under the leadership of Pastor Holm the society has had a rapid growth and requires a larger church home to worship in. I gladly recommend and ask the benevolent public to aid them in the good work of securing a church home. John H. Walker, Supt., # # # 1 This article represents the first official public record of the founding of the Swedish Evangelical Mission church in Cambridge, Massachusetts. ![]() Sometime in 1889, Rev. P. Vincentins began preaching to a small group of Swedes in a room in the Wood Memorial church located at ___ in Cambridge. This was the year that Bengt Johnson and his wife Maria Lovisa Hörling and their four daughters moved to Cambridge from Worcester. The Swedish Evangelical Mission Society was formed by Bengt Johnson in October 1895 with 14 members. Rev. Carl W. Holm was called to be the first permanent pastor on March 1, 1897. On April 28, 1897 the society named Bengt Johnson as Chairman. Nils Olof Anderson and his brother Brewer Anton Anderson moved to Cambridge that year from Chicago, Illinois. Nils Anderson joined the Swedish Evangelical Mission Church in 1897. The society was officially incorporated on June 8, 1899. In 1900 John L. Landahl became Chairman of the society. Anna Margareta Johnson, daughter of church founder Bengt Johnson and his wife Maria Lovisa Johnson, became the church pianist in 1900. Starting in the autumn of 1901 the Swedes met to worship at the East End Christian Union Chapel on Burleigh Street until the end of 1902. The Swedish Evangelical Mission church was built at the corner of Hampshire and Norfolk streets. The cornerstone of the church was laid on 26 October 1902. When the basement was finished, the Swedish people began worshiping there on January 3, 1903. In May of 1903 Nils Anderson married Augusta Örtegren who had been a member of the Swedish Evangelical Mission Church in Boston. The couple remained active in the Cambridge church. In 1904 Anna Margareta Johnson married Brewer Anton Anderson. Anna and Brewer were my grandparents. In 1905 Nils Olof Anderson ("N.O." or "Nils Anderson") became Chairman of the church. Nils Anderson was my great uncle. The Swedish Evangelical Mission church in Cambridge celebrated its 10th anniversary in 1907. The church edifice was completed in 1910. The contract to design and build the Swedish Evangelical Mission Church at the corner of Norfolk and Hampshire streets went to a Swede named Gustavus Wilson. Gustav Wilson was a member of the church. Gustav Wilson was the patriarch of the family who owned the A.O. Wilson Structural Steel Company. Albert O. Wilson (Albert Olaf Wilson"), son of Gustav Wilson became music director of the church. He was reknowned for his beautiful singing voice. A descendant of A.O. Wilson, Connie Wilson Ward, became a close and dear friend of Lorraine Nelson Bergstrom, the granddaughter of Nils Olof Anderson. Lorraine Nelson Bergstrom was a very fine pianist and violinist and a most wonderful cousin to the Anderson and Westlund families. The tradition of music performance and choral singing continued through the Wilson, Anderson and Nelson families. References: Cambridge Chronicle SWEDISH CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH.2
# # # 2 This article is interesting as a record of church services being conducted in the Swedish language. Eventually two services were given on Sunday. The Swedish service was in the morning, followed by a dinner at midday, followed by Sunday school (in English ?) and a regular service in English at 7:00 p.m.. It is also worth noting the existence of other Swedish congregations in Quincy, Lowell, Lynn and Boston as indicated by the visiting pastors mentioned. From the 1910 census it is apparent that there were over 10,000 Swedes, Norwegians, Danes and Icelanders living in the greater Boston area at that time.
Cambridge Chronicle SWEDISH CHURCH TEN YEARS OLD3 Anniversary Exercises Now Being Held by Swedish Evangelical Mission Society - Steps Taken to Complete Church Edifice
After four years of service, Rev. Mr. Holm resigned, the membership then being 106. Rev. John Udd became pastor and began the work of getting together money to build the church. The church was occupied for the first time January 3, 1903. The building and furnishings cost $7,275. The cost of land, building and furnishings was about $10,000, with a debt of $4,775. Rev. Mr. Udd resigned as pastor on account of poor health in 1904, and went to Colorado. The present pastor, Rev. C. E. Peterson, became Mr. Udd's successor and has labored with the flock for two and one half years. The church now has a membership of 220 and the Sunday school has an additional 205. During the past few years the basement of the church, which is all that was built at the start, has been inadequate to accommodate the people and the necessity of completing the edifice is imperative, but the church does not feel like going ahead until the present indebtedness is paid off. The debt had been reduced last March to $2,150, and it was determined to raise the balance by next March. Subscriptions amounting to $1,300 towards that end have been pledged. As soon as the debt is raised, steps will be taken to build the upper story of the edifice, the cost of which Is estimated at about $15,000. The church will seat about 700 when completed. # # # 3 Several things in this article are worthy of comment. Rev. Holm is listed as the founder of the church. In fact, Holm "was called" to the position of pastor by the congregation. In the church's 75th anniversary booklet written by Eugene Lundberg, Chairman, Bengt Johnson is listed as the first Chairman of the church in 1897. C.W. Holm is listed as the first minister. The description of the financial planning for the construction of the first church is impressive. That the founding members were not wealthy people makes one appreciate all the more the amazing accomplishment of raising the money for building the church. Cambridge Chronicle ADDITION TO CHURCH Swedish Evangelical Mission Will Have an Auditorium Seating 600 -To Cost $15,000.
Cambridge Chronicle SWEDISH MISSION CHURCH. 4 Corner of Hampshire and Norfolk streets, Cambrldgeport. Rev. K.F. Ohlson, pastor. Sunday services will be as follows: Sunday school. 9.30 a.m.; sermon by the pastor, 10.45; evening service. 7 o'clock. There will be an extra service at 3.30 p.m. at which there will be several speakers. A collection will be taken for the benefit of the ?. home. East Boston. The Thursday evening prayer meeting is at 7.45 o'clock. Rev. K. F. Ohlson, the pastor, was pleasantly surprised at a social held in the church last Tuesday evening, the occasion being his ?2nd birthday. A neat sum of money, together with the well wishes of the congregation, was presented him. At a meeting earlier in the evening bids for finishing the church building were opened. The contract will be awarded to Gustave Wilson, of this city, who was the lowest bidder. # # # 4 This article makes the first mention of Gustavus Wilson, who, with his wife, Matilda Crossberg Wilson, were Swedish immigrants and early members of the society. Gustave Wilson was the founder of a building construction company that is still in business more than 100 years later in 2018. Son Albert O. Wilson grew up in the church, had a fine singing voice, became the Choir Director, and was responsible for significantly expanding the family business. The editor of these pages has great admiration and warm feelings towards the Wilson family. It was Albert O. Wilson who sang several songs at the funeral of Bengt Johnson, my great grandfather, and founder of the Swedish Evangelical Mission society. The Cambridge Chronicle WILL MEET IN THIS CITY According to an announcement made at a joint meeting of the executive board of the Eastern Missionary society and the Eastern Ministers' conference of the Congregational church, held at the Salem Square Swedish Congregational church. Worcester, last week, the joint annual meetings of these organisations will be held in Cambridge in September. Cambridge Chronicle
GUSTAVUS A. WILSON 5 Gustavus Wilson, a well-known builder (Gustav Wilson Structural Company), died Monday night at his home, Columbia Street. He was 68 years old. He was appointed a cemetery commissioner by Mayor A.J. Daly and served six years. He was for years a member and vestryman of the Swedish Evangelical Mission church, Hampshire and Norfolk streets. Mr. Wilson leaves a wife, Matilda Crossberg, and six children, Albert O., Axel D., Oscar G., Misses Hilda V., and Edith M., all of this city, and Esther v. Wilson, Mrs. Joseph Landahl of Providence. The funeral was held yesterday afternoon, at 2 o'clock. Services were held at the Swedish Mission church, conducted by the pastor, K.F. Ohlson. Selections were rendered by the church choir, under direction of Mrs. Landahl and also a quartet under direction of Mrs. Landahl. Six members of the executive committee of the church were pallbearars: Emil Frederickson, Olaf Anderson, S.A. Johnson, Olaf Olson, S. Ekmark and Karl Manson. Burial was at Cambridge cemetery. There was a profusion of floral tributes. Cambridge Chronicle SWEDISH MISSION (CONGREGATIONAL). 6 Corner Hampshire and Norfolk streets. Rev. K. F. Ohlson, pastor, 8 St. Paul street. # # # 6 This article gives the home address of Pastor Ohlson, gives evidence of the church's missionary work in other countries, as well as the growth of American patriotism within a Swedish religious and cultural society. This is also the first mention of a branch of the society existing at the Universalist church in nearby Somerville. Lastly, the presence of Rev. Erik August Skogsbergh is significant. Since coming to Chicago in 1876 from Värmland, Sweden where he had developed a great reputation as a preacher, Skogsbergh founded the Evangelical Mission Covenant Church in America, with which the Swedish Evangelical Mission church in Cambridge became affiliated in 1945. The Cambridge Chronicle NEW ORGAN IN PROSPECT The congregation of the Swedish mission, Hampshire street, was surprised and delighted last Sunday to hear the following letter read by their pastor. which was in response to a letter asking aid, written last June: "Carnegie Corporation, of New York, 576 Fifth Avenue, New York. September 29th, 1910. Rev. F. K. Ohlson, Pastor, Swedish Evangelical Mission Church, Cambridge. Massachusetts. Dear Sir: Responding to your appeal Carnegie corporation, of New York, will be glad to provide the last half of the cost of an organ for your church, at price of two thousand five hundred (2.500) dollars when the first half has been collected by the congregation and payment of the organ becomes due. This promise expires on September 30th. 1916. if the conditions attached to it are not fulfilled and the contribution of Carnegie corporation, of New York, paid, before that date. Very truly yours, Carnegie Corporation, of New York, By James Bertram, Secretary." This church was organized in 1897. In 1902 the first story of the church was built. and the congregation worshipped in this portion till 1910, when the church was completed. Feeling the need of an organ, tho 284 communicants have been working for that purpose and have thus far raised about $600. With the above gift, they hope, to raise the full amount, and have the organ installed before next summer. The Cambridge Sentinel, Volume XIII, Number 7 Local Notes The new delicatessen just opened at No. 5 Central square is indeed an important addition to the industries of this great centre of trade. Besides, the Holmes building has now become the busiest corner of the city. There one can get Swedish, French, German and Italian delicacies, all in high grade goods and well cooked. The Cambridge Chronicle ORGAN DEDICATION Next Thursday. April 6th, will be a memorable day for the members of the Swedish Evangelical Mission church (Congregational), corner of Hampshire and Norfolk streets. The church has completed its edifice and installed a beautiful pipe-organ representing an investment of nearly $40,000. The church edifice was finished six years ago, under the direction of its present pastor, Rev. K. F. Ohlson. Last fall the church received a donation of $1,250 from the Carnegie corporation, of New York, provided that the church raised an equal amount. The ambitions of tbe Congregation have materialized to the extent that at the dedication concert the organ will have been installed free of debt. The dedication concert will be held Thursday evening, April 6. at 8 o'clock. Some of the most noted talent of Boston have been engaged, including Henry L. Gideon, organist; Mrs. H. L. Gideon, soprano soloist; William Gustafson, Jr., bass soloist. The church choir, under the direction of Albert O Wilson, will also appear. Special services will also be held Friday and Saturday evenings; and three services on Sunday, at 11 a.m. 4 p.m and 7 p.m., with dedicatory exercises at the afternoon service. The speakers will be Rev. Mr. Eggan. of New York city, Rev. J. A. Johnson, of Lynn, and Rev. C. V. Bowman, of Boston. The Cambridge Chronicle FREE ORGAN RECITAL An organ recital and concert, open to the public, will be given this evening at the Swedish Evangelical mission, on Hampshire street, at 8 o'clock. Prof. John T. Erickson, of New York, will preside at the organ. He will be assisted by members of the choir and other church talent. The Cambridge Tribune, Volume XL, Number 8 The members of the choir of the Swedish Evangelical Mission Church gave a concert in the church last week Thursday under the direction of Albert O. Wilson. Antonio Gerardi, of the Boston Symphony Orchestra, played several violin solos. An Organ prelude was given by Mrs. B. A. Anderson. Scripture reading was given by Rev. K. F. Ohlson. A duet was sung by Miss Esther Larson and Mrs Charles Johnson, Albert O. Wilson sang solos, "Cornfort Ye" and "Ev'ry Valley." The Cambridge Chronicle Landall - Ohlson Alice A. E. Ohlson, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. Karl F. Ohlson, of 8 St. Paul street, was married Wednesday evening to Charles H. Landall, son of Mrs. John Landall, of Arlington. The ceremony was in the Swedish Evangelical Mission church, Hampshire street, of which Rev. Mr. Ohlson is pastor, in the presence of about 5OO parishioners, relatives and friends. Rev. Mr. Ohlson officiated, assisted by the Rev. Dr. Frederick E. Emrich, of tho Massachusetts Home Missionary society. The bride's younger sister, Lily H. Ohlson. was maid of honor, and A. E. Landall. brother of the groom, was best man. The bridesmaids were Elizabeth Strandahl and Esther Larson. and the ushers were Karl G. Ohlson, brother of the bride, and Charles R. Johnson. The bride was radiant in a gown of white satin, with tulle veil and orange blossoms. She carried a shower bouquet of lilies of the valley. The maid of honor wore pale blue soiree and tulle, and the bridesmaids pink chiffon, each carrying a bouquet of bride's roses. Mrs. B. A. , Anderson, organist, furnished the music for the occasion. As the bride walked up the aisle leaning on the arm of her father, preceded by the ushers, Lohengrin's wedding march pealed forth, and during the impressive marriage service "Blest Be the Tie That Binds" was playcd very softly. Immediately following the service congratulatory telegrams were read, coming from New York, Washington, Chicago, Detroit and dozens of other cities all over the country. Mr. and Mrs. N. O. Anderson acted as host and hostess. The party then proceeded to the vestry of the Church, where a reception was held for two hours, during which refreshments were served hy a caterer. In the receiving line at the reception were the bride and groom, Rev. and Mrs. K. F. Ohlson, Mrs. John Landall and Mr. and Mrs. Anderson. Both the church and vestry were handsomely decorated with autumn leaves. The bride, aa the private secretary for six years of Rev. F. E. Emrich, D.D., of Boston, has made a large circle of friends, and she was the recipient of quantities of silver, cut glass, linen, china and money as tokens of their regard. The groom holds a responsible position at the Watertown arsenal. After a honeymoon spent in New Hampshire, for which they left after the reception, Mr. and Mrs. Landall will begin housekeeping at 68 Thomdike street, Arlington. The Cambridge Sentinel, Volume XIV, Number 37 Rev. K. F. Ohlson, pastor of the Swedish Evangelical Church on Hampshire street, has moved from 8 St. Paul street to 77 Prospect street. The Cambridge Chronicle CHOIR SOCIAL A social was held by the members of the choir of the Swedish Evangelical Mission church, corner of Norfolk and Hampshire streets, of which Rev. K. F. Ohlson is pastor, in the vestry of the church, Tuesday evening. The choir had as special guests the organist, Mrs. B. A. Anderson; Mrs. K. A. Ohlson, wife of the pastor; Mrs. A. O. Wilson and B. A. Anderson. The members present included the Misses Ingrid Gertson, Lilly Frederickson, Edith Olander, Constance Bjornson, Wilhelmina Gustafson, Anna Johnson, Joscphine McKivitt and Lily Ohlson. Mrs. C. R. Landall, and the following gentlemen: Philip Landall. Axel Lander, Gustaf Frederickson, Gustaf Bjornson, Ephraim Landall, C. R. Landall. A. G. Rydberg and A. O. Wilson, choir leader. Refreshments of ice cream and cake were served at a table handsomely decorated wtth red, white and blue crepe paper, with a "Liberty bell' suspended from the chandelier as a centrepiece. Various games were played, with souvenirs for the winners. The decorations, games and refreshments were in charge of a committee of three. Miss Anna Johnson, Miss Josephine McKivitt and C. R. Landall. The Cambridge Tribune The Cambridge Chronicle A special meeting of the Swedish Evangelical church was held on Monday night to act upon the resignation of the pastor, Rev. Karl F. Ohlson, who has received a call to the Quincy Congregational Church. The church declined to accept the resignation and appointed a committee of three to induce Mr. Ohlson to withdraw the resignation. It was also voted to increase the pastor's salury substantially. The Cambridge Tribune, Volume XLI, Number 46 CENTRAL SQUARE Rev. Karl F. Ohlson has accepted a call to the pastorate of the Swedish Congregational church at Quincy and will assume his new duties in March. He will succeed Rev. A. G Sporrong, who recently accepted a call to Selah, Wash. The Cambridge Chronicle Landahl - Strobeck Abel E. Landahl, of 15 Varnum street, and Berenice E. Strobeck, daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Strobeck, formerly of 92 Thorndike Street, were married Wednesday evening at the bride's home, 14 Ash street, Belmont. Rev. K. F. Ohlson, of Quincy, officiated, using the single ring service. The bride was given in marriage by her father. Nils Arlson was best man. The bridesmaids were Ruth and Berenice Strobeck, sister and cousin of the bride, respectively. The maid of honor was Clara Pierson, of Cambridge, and little Miss Dorothy Landahl, niece of the groom, was ring bearer. The bride was gowned in white satin, trimmed wth lace. She wore a tulle veil caught up with orange blossoms, and carried a shower bouquet of bride roses. Ruth Strobeck wore pink voile, and the other bridesmaid wore white voile, and each carried pink roses. The maid of honor wore blue georgette with satin trimmings, and carried pink roses. The flower girl wore pink voile. The ceremony took place on the lawn underneath a marriage bell of greenery. Refreshments were served. Mrs. B. A. Anderson presided at the piano and played the Lohengrin Wedding march. The reception was featured by several vocal solos by the bride's father and Albert Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Landahl are enjoying a ten days' honeymoon in camp with friends in Foxboro, after which they will go to Chicago, their future home. The groom, who is a draftsman, served one year as a lieutenant in the U. S. overseas military service. - Rolf Anderson, Editor |